
Desmolike Yamacati Backdated Progress

general the bike was complete even that it was not fulfill 100% of my satisfaction of looks. But maybe for the starts of something new, it was a good start since R6 replica.

Now for the ease of tense, these are the only backdated picture of Yamacati before it was disassemble as of the purpose of being a plug (terms used for finish forming objects for mould preparation) for mould making.

The tail section is the only part where completion is achieved and also a little bit OK with the tanks. But the seams misfunction and continuity between those side fairings and front cowling is quiet unacceptable.

Just look at how the front cowling was not well blend with those fairings. This is the most great mistake that i alert from the start but then it still happen as what its appear today. But no worry, Im in the middle of blending process to solve those defect.

Seems better too if match with tanks from the R6 replica. Just maybe the tank section will also took consideration of minor changes. Else than that, the front and handlebars was fit like what i thought.

Wake Me Up When September Ends

Coincidentally just maybe, when September ends and Aidil Fitri is over and its time for me to all new projects. Just maybe something that i start before will get into more serious business. For time being instead of my R6 Projects Replication, The Desmo like set will took replication for mould preparation process and since no confirm order for the set. For time being the tail section mould has been completed and once ive got confirmation upon desmolike orders maybe then The Mould for the whole set will took place.

Also CBR 150 shape base works is still in the process. Need so much detailing since the bike has been took away by the customer.

Everybody are unique to each others

That is the reason why that we set our head to describe something to personalize one self. Sometimes the feelings grew even greater being something that make you wont sleep at night. I experience this before and from that moment i realize that i need to start something to personalize myself and make me unique to myself.

One thing that i learn, people whom are not unique will get them flow with others and being a followers is something that might bring people into manipulation of others towards him. So shout out and stop being a follower. At least give something that will give an impact to your life. MODIFY.

It starts with cutting stickers then i moved to something more advance, fibreglass. Its really flexible to manipulate and so on into fulfill the fantasy inside my head. So that the dreams become reality. So that I create identical to factory Yamaha R6 bodykit and shrink them to fit Yamaha TZM. In near future, the next explorable material will be carbon fibres, ABS plastic and titanium.

And the story begins...
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