Truly my intention is to get serious in this field of works and nut just as hobbby.. Capital dah der la sket, tempat dan urusan lain tu yang sesak nak cari kedai, mana nak uruskan labour. yelah skang ni wat pun blakang umah dan sendiri je kuli.
Esok2 dengan keje yang banyak kat office tu mana la tangan nak wat sumer hobby dan business management aku ni ye tak...
Mood pun tgh depress dengan health concious regarding climate yang membuat aku pon x baper best badan, wife n anak pun sort like that. Erm... project banyak dah tertangguh even mostly done, only that to my personal thought, im back delay by few yards or miles compare to factory mass production le kan... Pergh ade hati nak compare dengan factory mass produce...
Tu la hajat hati nak custom keter la plak, pastu mass produce at least 5 to 6 parts per day for beginning. But maybe hold the thought first. No need to run 1st semput all then. Rather than that, i may just steadily climb the hill n care for the momentum... Wont that be nicer....